The security of a laptop is paramount to protecting personal information and keeping the software running at optimal speeds. Macs have deceptively strong firewalls, for PC’s have dominated the market up until 2010. Hackers designed Trojans and malware targeting the largest user base – PC users. The Mac users are now seeing a surge of viruses tailored toward their operating system because of their uptick in recent sales. The Mac developers are inexperienced in combating viruses so they may crumble in the future, but only the test of time will yield a true answer. According to Stack Exchange the backwards compatibility of PC's are their downfall. Nonetheless, the PC users have nothing to fear. The PC users have nothing to fear because the anti-virus software business is flourishing with multiple options to choose from. I myself own a FREE virus program, which hasn’t let a single attacker in to date. PC is the safer choice in this category.Pricing and Quality
Pricing and quality are two of, if not the most, important pulls for home users. The general public typically doesn’t wish to spend over $1,000 on a laptop. PC laptops have been gravitating towards cheaper and more affordable parts ($500 or less); however, there are top of the line models that cost a pretty penny ($1,500+). The heightened cost comes with superior speed and visual prowess. On the other hand, all Mac models cost around $1,000 and are all built with quality components. The apical model of PC’s outperform the Mac counterparts considerably due to overclocking potential. For a more in depth analysis of parts to parts performance and pricing, check out Computer World. If you wish to select from a wide price and quality range, I would choose PC.Upgrades
Upgrades are a necessity in the ever evolving field of computers. The maximum life span for parts is around 5 years. Technological advances in operating systems, graphics, and networking will bottleneck older models. Macs have horrid upgrade paths. They are linear and typically extremely expensive because Mac is the only company that develops the parts for their machines. On top of that, you must send your computer in to a certified Mac store for the upgrade. Even though it has its drawbacks, the mac upgrades are quality and always compatible. PC’s have a vast upgrade market. This drives prices down and provides a home upgrade option (an aspect many owners crave). Having multiple upgrade routes is another enticing pull factor to a dynamically changing industry. I side with the PC market; simply because, with a little research and knowledge you get better performance for less money. The customer also gets to select the model.Gaming
Game is life, game is life. To some this saying rings true day in and day out. Only the fastest, vibrant visuals, and optimally precise computer wins the battle. At high level competitions, with cash prizes topping above 20 million dollars, computer performance effects gameplay significantly. Macs don’t contend in this category. Some game developers don’t even release in a Mac platform. PC wins the gaming category unequivocally.If we look back and tally up the winner for each category, PC wins unanimously. They have such a wide range of appeal. Macs may overtake them in the future, but for now PC’s are top dog.