Life Advice

Life Advice

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Research and Design

Research and design, perhaps the most important aspect of any project, determines if your project is credible and visually appealing. These facets will pull a reader in or push them away. First off, credible sources are a necessity for writing. Without credibility the readers won’t stay long or be misled. The sources I used were cross referenced by other websites; if the facts were true on various websites, I incorporated it into my blog. An example of a quality source would be .edu  and .gov websites, colleges and government agencies only publish reputable  information. CRAP principles are another important detail to blogs. Possessing a unique layout inclines the audience to stay longer. I implemented contrast, repitition, and alignment, for more information on CRAP visit Business Information Systems.


Color and contrast are very important to me. Without contrast everything appears bland and the reader becomes bored. Incorporating pictures into your blog is an easy way to present information in a different way and make it more visually appealing. The images may even help the reader to attain a visualization upon difficult concepts. Using contrast to signal a topic change is an effective practice to help transition readers.

The contrast throughout my blog consists of color coordination, text sizing, and pictures/videos. I added color coordinated sub-headers for the readers interested in single topics. Also, colors are add for keyword allocation within text. The pictures and videos pertain to the section they reside within and add further information/background to the topic. 


Repetition is another chief aspect. If the entirety of the page is maze of divergent fonts and colors, the reader will become disorientated. Repetition helps with the flow and unity of the page. A reader desires to move down the page fluidly. Repetition gives the audience ques to upcoming information and  helps organize text for skimming and index users.

The repetition found throughout the blog occurs in the header placements. The sub headers are crucial identifiers for the readers. The color is also repeated throughout the blog. It will keep the reader attentive and excited for the next installment of RGB. The social media links are also reoccurring for fast access if the reader enjoys the 


The alignment refers to the spacing, sizing, and symmetry. Spacing is a crucial element. If the text is spread to far apart, the words become distant and the reader will become annoyed. If the text is too close together the reader may jump to the incorrect line or misread words. The location of headings, pictures, and logos are crucial for an inviting feel. The alignment alone may turn a reader away.

My alignment is compressed and tight where it needs to be, but allows for breathing room between topics. My pictures are always located on the right hand side. This allows readers to anticipate pictures in the same region on the page.